Problems relating to Trade and Investment on G. Britain

19. Industrial standards, approval of safety standards
Issue details
(1) Tobacco Plain Packaging Legislation (TPPL) on Tobacco Products - Introduction of Tobacco Plain Packaging Legislation (TPPL) on tobacco products introduced in Australia has materially reduced the identification capabilities (between the products), being the essential faculty of trademarks, materially destructing the "brand value", and consequently damaging the sound market competitions. More precise concerns include, without limitation, purchasers unwittingly purchase unintended products from the difficulty of making distinction, move to lower priced products, and finally, closing the door for new entry into the market. In addition, simpler packages facilitate counterfeiting activities, resulting in the growing counterfeits in the market.
(Note) TPPL, a measure to standardise configuration, colour, etc., of individual tobacco package, largely restrict the space on the packaging by the mandate to print specifically, "warnings with photo" (in the 75% of the total area front, and 90% back).
- As described in the left column, TPPL infringes upon intellectual property right of business operators, consequently hinders the industrial development through sound market competitions. On the other hand, prevention of juvenile smoking is deemed possible through education, with tightened penalties, etc.
- It is therefore requested that GOA implements the regulation based on the principle of proportionate general rules.
- the Children and Families Act 2014
- Draft Statutory Instrument (Standardised Packaging of Tobacco Products Regulations)