Problems relating to Trade and Investment on Russia

19. Industrial standards, approval of safety standards
Issue details
(1) Russian Language Required for Application for Gost Certificate of Conformity - The requirement for the use of the Russian language is extremely costly and time consuming in the Application Form and its Attachments to acquire the Gost Certificate of Conformity. - It is requested that GOR accepts:
-- use of English for all attachments,
-- use of English in parallel on Application Form, and
-- streamlining and expediting the Application Procedures.
(2) Nebulous Product Safety Regulation, etc. - Product Safety Regulation is nebulous and acquisition of Gost Certificate of Conformity takes too much time. It materially affects business activity.
(3) Delayed Promulgation of Detailed Rules for Implementing the Product Safety Regulation - There has been much delay in release of the detailed implementation rules (DIRs) concerning the change of the new Russian technical regulation "on the safety of low voltage equipment (low voltage equipment and telecommunications equipment) (RTR)", which requires disclosure of the detailed rules that allows sufficient time for product test by a third party institution and for product changes in order to mark the new certification label, and establishment of the grace period, when old and new regulations co-exist. At the beginning, Gost-R (Russian certification system) announcement was made in October 2010 to begin its implementation from the end of December 2010. However, with the transfer to the customs Union, implementation start was moved to July 2011. After further extension in the first semester of 2011 to July 2012, once again notification was received in December 2012 advising further postponement from July 2012 to 15 February 2013. The grace period for the existing products was postponed from 15 August 2014 to 15 March 2015. - Changes in DIRs on the product safety regulation require sufficient advance notification (minimum 6-months). It is requested that GOR grants more than one-year as grace period for application of the new regulation on the products, which are possibly affected in sales and stock. - National Russian Certification System GOST R concerning Electrical Products
- Certificate GOST-K for Kazakhstan
- Belarus (RB) Certificate of Conformity
(4) Compulsory Inspection of All Factories - Customs Union's "Scheme 1C" mandates the production inspection (factory inspection) of all factories. Despite the adoption of the common quality control system to all factories based on the international standard by the majority of the enterprises operating globally, the customs union's compulsion of, the production inspection (factory inspection) of all factories is extremely burdensome to the industries. - It is requested that customs union takes steps to accept the auditing results by Third Party Accredited Testing Laboratory (TPATL) based upon CIG023, etc.
=>Documental auditing has become possible at some TPATL.
- Customs Union Technical Regulations 020/2011 and 004/2011
(5) Numerous Requirements on Light Industrial Products - The marking requirements are quite burdensome for light industrial products (leather, cloth, etc.). Apart from acquisition of licences and approvals, Customs Union requires the label marking on product name, country of origin, manufacturer's (or agent's/distributor's), manufacturer's address, product size, ratio of raw materials, compliance mark, date of manufacture, surface raw materials, etc. heavily burdening the industries. - It is requested that Customs Union takes steps to accept self declaration. - Customs Union Technical Regulations 017/2011
(6) Disclosure on the Web of the Certification Information - Simultaneously with the acquisition of certification, the model name etc. is disclosed on the web. Disclosure of the new product name preceding the new product release announcement means a fatal blow to the sales strategy. - It is requested that the Customs Union will keep the certification information confidential for a certain period, if requested by the enterprise in concern, as they do in some other countries. - Customs Union Technical Regulations 020/2011 and 004/2011
(7) Nebulous Examination Standard/Process - Examination standard/process at the competent authority Ministry of Health and Social Development (MHSD) for medical equipment is nebulous, while the requisite documents are enormous, taking much time for examination/deliberation requiring improvement. - It is requested that GOR:
-- enhances transparency of the examination base, and
-- cuts down the examination period.
- Russian Federal Insurance
- MHSD Order N 735

(8) Directional Ambiguity of Industrial Standard / Basic Product Safety Accreditation - GOR's policy is apparently nebulous on the future of the diesel engine emission control, while its tightening of control takes place around the world. - It is requested that GOR expedites tightening the regulation for the diesel engine emission control.