Problems relating to Trade and Investment on Turkey

23. Inefficient administrative procedures, regimes and practices
Issue details
(1) Inefficient Administrative Procedures - To satisfy an article in the business performance contract concerning acquisition of GOT's approval, it takes a few months (even in a formal kind, such as transfer of the shares to a subsidiary), affecting, from time to time, business performance and budget/accounts control. - It is requested that GOT takes steps to enhance its operational efficiency, through delegation of responsibility, etc., in as much as trivial matters require the minister's approval, from time to time.
(2) Difficulty in Acquisition of Authentication on Official Documents - Official documents addressed to Turkey, Iraq, UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc. require authentication at Chamber of Commerce & Industries, Notary Public, UAE Embassy in Japan (UEJ), etc. Procedures at UEJ are extremely inconvenient, taking a long time from application to receipt (as its authentication is not issued on the spot of filing application), with the application accepted only during the morning hours and the authentication issued only during the afternoon hours. - It is requested that GOU and GOJ review the authentication requirement.