Licenses, BEPS, transfer pricing
With regard to trade and investment, we provide information on the latest developments, such as the negotiations and conclusions of EPAs/FTAs, the latest negotiations to establish multilateral rules at the WTO, and progress of bilateral and plurilateral trade negotiations. Moreover, we conduct an annual survey covering the barriers to trade and investment faced by Japanese companies operating in overseas markets.
With regard to intellectual property, we explain important patent-related precedents and revisions to patent law in the United States, revisions to IP laws, latest administrative laws and regulations, and important IP-related litigation cases in China, and measures to counteract IP risks in individual Asian countries. We also provide information that we deem useful to companies when formulating their IP strategies.
With regard to international tax committee, we focus our attention on transfer pricing taxation, including BEPS measures in major nations that might impact the competitiveness of JMC member companies. We also submit requests for tax reforms to the Japanese government on an annual basis as part of our efforts to help reduce the tax burden on member companies.
achieving carbon neutrality, building supply chain resilience
On the one hand, member companies need to reduce lead times on international logistics and transportation and make export procedures more efficient because those developments are key to the successful globalization of corporate activities. On the other hand, they have to deal with the increased threat of terrorism, infectious disease, and natural disasters. To address these challenges, we conduct information surveys relating to key issues, such as the digital transformation of trade procedures, the strengthening of logistical infrastructure, and the formation of a response to trade security regulations both in Japan and overseas. We also exchange opinions with and submit proposals to governments and relevant organizations.
With an aim to strengthen the competitiveness of the Japanese machinery industry and promote machinery exports to the emerging markets, we study the latest trends on new and renewable energy businesses and environment-related businesses that can help achieve carbon neutrality, and provide member companies with knowledge and ideas relating to potential business opportunities and challenging issues.
Regarding the environmental and climate-change policies of individual countries, regions, and international organizations that affect trade and investment in machinery products, as well as any regulatory developments relating to standards, certification and product liability (PL), JMC exchanges information in its established committees, conducts specialist lectures, and holds expert seminars. We also provide information from research organizations and the JMC Brussels Office. Furthermore, we seek to conduct activities that are useful to member companies’ overseas businesses by submitting comments to individual governments requesting the rectification of any proposed regulations that would adversely impact member companies’ businesses.
Carbon-neutral energy
Environmental business, public-private partnership
In order to promote plant exports, we encourage public-private partnerships and ample public support, and share information, exchange opinions and compile measures relating to the overseas development of high-quality infrastructures systems. We collect and share information relating to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and energy and environmental business designed to help achieve carbon neutrality. We also compile a guidebook on supporting infrastructure exports, and hold seminars. We share information on public offerings by government agencies and other institutions, and on international financial institutions and major overseas plant engineering companies.
Water infrastructure, subcommittees for individual machinery types
We seek to promote public-private partnerships designed to help secure overseas orders in water-related fields by sharing information on various items, such as the ordering strategies for individual countries, participatory maintenance and management models, capacity building, and advanced technologies, and by helping members compile appropriate measures. We strive to respond appropriately to the issues and problems faced by individual companies in our subcommittees for plant, heavy electric machinery, telecommunications, industrial machinery, agricultural machinery, and internal combustion machinery, and we also share relevant information on market trends and provide trade statistics.
Comprehensive Insurance, Covering the losses against political risks and commercial risks
Every year JMC concludes Comprehensive Agreement with Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI), which is fully owned by the Japanese government, for Comprehensive Insurance (Machinery and Equipment). This agreement enables member companies to utilize at a lower premium rate than if they applied for Specific Insurance individually. We also transfer insurance applications on behalf of member companies to NEXI and provide consultation services on the preparation process. JMC seeks to improve available insurance systems for member companies by holding seminars and publishing explanatory documentation (e.g. The Red Book) on Comprehensive Insurance (Machinery and Equipment) , examining ways to reform Export and Investment Insurance systems in the JMC Trade and Investment Insurance Committee and other venues, and, when necessary, proposing our member’s opinions to NEXI and other relevant governmental institutions.
Export control, product classification, transaction screening
Export control laws and regulations in the United States
In the field of security export control, which demands strict legal compliance and solid management frameworks, we raise awareness of any revisions and amendments to relevant laws and regulations, share best practices on export control, and conduct a continuous exchange of opinions with relevant government agencies and other bodies. We also consult on export control operations, dispatch instructors to conduct in-house training, publish export control related laws and regulations based on the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act, and plan and run JMC practical courses on export control and trade practices.